Mission Statement
We come together in fellowship to worship, to lift up and encourage our fellow women to grow in our faith. In building and edifying one another we will stir up the gifts given to each of us and share the love of Jesus that we have with those around us, bringing blessings to our families, our community, and our Church.
Women’s Club Ministries
We, as women, and members of our beloved Church, are called to be the hands and the feet of the body of Christ, to serve others. In serving our families, our Nativity family, and our community, our goal is to exhibit the love that Christ models for us, each using our unique and special God-given talents through active, intentional discipleship and stewardship, in the ultimate pursuit of unity and ministry.
Meal Ministry
Contact Clara Brown claraibrown@icloud.com.
The Meal Ministry is designed to bring a meal and a card to families within our Parish who are in need for reasons as such: death in the immediate family, homebound, birth of baby, in poverty or dire need.
Coffee and Donuts
Happy Helpers
Contact Elisabeth Carvalho elisabethtaunton@hotmail.com.
All children in our Parish are loved and encouraged to be included in these events. The Happy Helpers have activities based on togetherness, for service hours, and that promote our young people to have active participation in our Church.
Wreath Team
This is one of our main fundraisers for the Women’s Club. The wreath team will be responsible for promoting, assembling and decorating the Christmas Wreaths, along with sales after Masses in the Christmas season.