How do people become fully Catholic and enter into the abundant life of God’s children?  Through faith and the Sacraments, specifically the Sacraments of Initiation:  Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion.  Typically, these Sacraments are received when we are young, even infants.  But what if….

  • You were never baptized?
  • Or you were baptized in another Christian denomination?
  • Or you were baptized as a Catholic but never received First Communion and/or Confirmation?

Can you still receive these Sacraments even as an adult?  Can you become Catholic even if you were raised in another tradition?  The answer is YES!  The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the way to become fully Catholic. The RCIA is an itinerary of catechesis by which you will learn the Catholic faith at an adult level and come to a deeper knowledge and love for Jesus Christ.  At the end of this journey, typically at Easter time, you will receive the Sacraments and be welcomed into the fullness of the Catholic faith. Whether this is for yourself, a family member, or a friend, or if you know someone interested in joining the Church, the RCIA is for all of you.  Don’t put it off another year.  Now is the time to become fully Catholic!! By the way, what if you already have all your Sacraments but would like to have a “refresher” course and delve deeper into the truths of our Catholic faith?  You too are welcome to attend our RCIA classes – they are open to all. For more information, please contact the office 954-987-3300.

The RCIA begins with our first class on Monday, September 16, 2024, and most Mondays thereafter.  Our classes will be held in the Rectory Conference room upstairs.